
Showing posts from October, 2021


  What is a Cataract? A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear focusing lens of the eye. Light cannot pass through the cloudy lens easily to the retina, resulting in blurred vision. This clouding occurs when proteins in the lens change, most commonly as a result of aging. Other causes of cataracts include trauma, medication such as steroids, inflammation in the eye, and medical problems such as diabetes. Cataract results in blurred vision, poor glare, and sensitivity to bright light, which requires treatment of vision correction after the cataract surgery. Transformation in cataract surgery over the past few years Years ago people patiently waited until their cataract was mature or ripe since the surgical equipment was limited at that time. The only recovery option for patients was to lie motionless for days with sandbags anchoring their heads. Several stitches were necessary to close the large wound. These stitches caused distortion of the cornea. But times have changed over the


  Hello healthy body, goodbye laziness! We all know the great benefits of exercise but did you know how it impacts our eyes? Haven’t thought about it yet? Come on let’s read about all the good it does to our body. Plenty of exercise helps in controlling weight, battles health conditions and diseases improve mood, and promote better sleep. Cardio exercises in general improve overall eye health by improving blood flow to the optic nerve and retina ,   it is also very beneficial for patients with glaucoma and cataract. Regular eye check-ups are also important to know the status of eye health. One should make sure that they get their check-up done from the best eye care hospital .  Shree eye care hospital  is the best eye care hospital that provides the best treatment for eye diseases in Uttarakhand. Exercise for good eye health          Your eyes must be healthy if you are someone who manages to go to gym regularly but don’t worry if you have a tight schedule and can’t squeeze out time fo